If you haven't tried profile page browsing yet, I encourage you to give it a try. It's quite a different experience than browsing blogs. It sometimes seems that profile pages can provide a more personal and immediate glimpse into a blogger's mind than their blog can. If you want to learn more, their blog or blogs are only a click away.
A lot of bloggers list their favorite movies. One movie that I keep seeing in the lists is "A Knight's Tale". This surprised me. I haven't seen the movie, but I remember that it got some pretty poor reviews. I may have to see it. It's funny how a movie can be judged harshly by the critics, but still find a place in the hearts of a lot of fans. I saw some previews and I seem to recall that the music wasn't authentic for the time period. I write an early music blog, so I tend to pick up on subtleties like that.
Another blogger listed "The Deer Hunter" and "Bambi" in the same list as a joke, but I can't remember who. If you find it, maybe you can leave a comment.
I list these example to demonstrate how entertaining and educational profile pages can be. I feel like an archaeologist who is sifting through the foundations of modern culture. I'm looking for insights and discoveries that I can't find any where else.
If you come across anything that is interesting or unusual, please feel free to leave a comment about it.
hi! i've linked to you!
cou;d you change my name from Bizzarre to Bizarre? (i.e. remove one 'z')
Sure, sorry about that. Thanks for pointing that out and thanks for the link!
I didn't know you could Profile blog. I was just sitting here browsing blogs and came across yours.
A Knight's Tale is a great movie.. if you like that sort of thing :)
Gave you free advertising just now.
Hello and please feel free to add me to your profile directory.
This is a very good idea.
Hi thanks for the link!
I have seen 'a Knights Tale' its awful, but heath ledger is nice to look at.
I have seen that deer hunter/bambi profile too, but cant remember whose it was. An army fella i think?
How do I join?
Hi and yes of course, I'd love to be listed in the directory. Thanks much!
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