Wednesday, January 3, 2007

A Surprising Email

I was surprised, no I was stunned, to receive an email from Bobby Griffin saying that I won the coveted Bestest Blog of the Day Award. I mean, this blog isn't even a week old!

It had occurred to me that if I worked really hard for several months that I might have a shot at this famous prize. Of course, this is what I have been doing at my other blogs. (It turns out that ancient instruments, microtonal music, and educational videos aren't the attention grabbers that I hoped they would be.)

Well, maybe this blog is a little different. It is devoted to helping other bloggers. I am deeply grateful for The Bestest Blog of All-Time, not just for this award, but for all the help that I've received in getting readers to my blogs. I hope that I can provide a small portion of that kind of assistance to others.

Thanks again to Bobby Griffin.


Unknown said...

Congrats on being named BBOTD =)

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

Daniel, Congrats on Bestest Blog of the Day, i've been reading some of your sites for a little over a week now, read about the directory just yesterday or the day before. Looking forward to more from you.

oso said...

Congratulations Daniel; add our profile please!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Congrats! It's a high honor. Looks like you are deserving, though.